How Do Infectious Diseases Affect My Teeth?
The Northside Dental Clinic team wants you and your family to have the best oral hygiene and dental health possible. We’re here to take care of you from the moment you contact our office! In today’s blog from Northside Dental Clinic, we take a look at how infectious diseases can affect your teeth.
How do weakened immune systems affect my oral health?
If your body is already battling an infection, it could increase your risk of developing a mouth infection. You should still try to maintain an oral hygiene routine, even if you’re sick, to help combat a possible problem in your mouth. Infections in your mouth include an abscessed tooth, gingivitis, canker sores, thrush, and periodontal disease.
Winter makes you particularly susceptible to colds, flu, and other lung infections that can burden your immune system. The team at Northside Dental Clinic can give you tips for how to maintain your oral hygiene when you’re fatigued, have a stuffy nose, and don’t feel like getting out of bed.
Can sinus pressure affect my teeth?
A cold or flu causes sinus pressure and congestion. Did you know that sinus pressure can cause a toothache? Your largest sinus cavity sits right above your upper jaw. When the sinus cavity fills with fluid, it puts some pressure on your upper teeth. You might actually feel pain in your teeth due to the sinus pressure pushing against the roots of your teeth.
How do sore throat and coughing change my oral health?
When your throat is sore from a cold, you just want the pain, swelling, and scratchy feeling to go away. Coughing makes putting anything in your mouth a challenge. Brushing your teeth and flossing are the last things on your mind. Choose sugar-free cough drops or throat lozenges. These products may help you feel better and prevent tooth pain if you have sensitive teeth or cavities. The Northside Dental Clinic team can make recommendations for products to help when you’re not feeling well.
How does dry mouth increase my risk of cavities?
Dry mouth from nasal congestion is uncomfortable. It also puts you at risk for cavities. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. A good rule of thumb is to take one sip of water every 15 minutes.
Why does vomiting make cavities or tooth sensitivity worse?
You might be tempted to brush your teeth shortly after vomiting due to an illness. But brushing your teeth might actually spread acid over your teeth and make cavities or tooth sensitivity worse. Instead, rinse with a mixture of water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda to neutralize the acid in your mouth. Brush your teeth 30 minutes later.
Who can help me with oral hygiene?
Northside Dental Clinic encourages you to brush your teeth, even when you’re sick. If you have any questions about your oral hygiene when you’re under the weather, reach out to us and we can help! Contact Northside Dental Clinic online or call (417) 862-2468 to schedule an appointment.